The Second Chakra

Second Chakra
Once we have the foundation set, it’s time to get moving. Let your emotions guide you on your own path, they are information from inside of you to direct your direction.
Second Chakra Basics

Second chakra, or “svadhishtana” translates as sweetness. 🧡 It’s the right we have to feel what we feel and to experience pleasure in our lives. The purpose? Movement and connection. This energy represents fluidity, flow, movement, and direction, our life path, connection with others, and our emotions. The element is water. Focusing on how water operates can teach us about the purpose of the second chakra, as well as how to heal the energy center. 💦

The developmental stage of this chakra is when babies start to move on their own to about two years old. Rolling over, scooting, crawling, standing up, falling down, toddling, walking, running… Sometimes looking back to see if it’s safe, and sometimes running hell bent for leather. If the first chakra is rooted in place, and safe boundaries are in place, a child learns it’s safe to explore their environment.

Second chakra rules emotions. If a child’s feeling states are acknowledged and validated, they learn it’s okay to feel what the feel without hiding it. If you grow up being told to “put your big boy pants on”, or “be a man,” when you are three years old… you might not feel like it’s okay to express emotion as an adult. If you have a parent that is emotionally manipulative, you might learn to use your emotions to manipulate, or, you might shut down to feeling that your own emotions matter, because it’s always about someone else.

This is also the stage where children learn what feels pleasurable to them and what doesn’t. Soft fuzzy blanky? Yes please, I’ll carry it around with me forever like Linus from Charlie Brown. Cat that scratches you? Tell me again why you’re scared of cats? When children start to eat food, you can’t force them to eat things they don’t like. Try feeding a toddler squash and just see how much of it ends up inside of them as compared to on your walls. Give them something they love? And they giggle and squeal with delight.

How your knees, hips, and low back feel can give you an idea of what’s going on in your second chakra energy. Just like water, the second chakra energy can be stagnant and murky, clear and pure, or overflowing and destructive like a flood. We want a container for the energy, with the possibility for flow. The pelvis is the container, and expressing emotions is our flow.

Does it feel safe to express your emotions? Do you have ways you process your emotions? Emotional intelligence is a balanced characteristic of the second chakra. We can learn emotional intelligence, just like we can learn how to balance our second chakra energy. Once our second chakra is open in a balanced way, we no longer need the addiction and numbing out of the imbalanced second chakra to avoid feeling all the feels. Then, and only then, can we move into using our power at the third chakra, to create the life we desire.

Feeling stuck or like you can’t connect?

Life circumstances as of late might have some of us feeling that we’re “stuck”, or that we “can’t move forward”. Look at this time as a gift to prepare the groundwork to move forward when things feel ready. Get creative. Be productive in the sense that you are tuning in and feeling what direction really does feel right to you. Practice letting your emotions guide you, intentionally allowing yourself to feel your internal “yes” and your internal “no”. What pulls you towards it? What repels you?

Second chakra healing practices include: swimming, dancing, walking, running, hip opening yoga poses, listening to Shakira 🤪 because, “hips don’t lie!” (That’s a joke, but seriously though… Dance! Swivel and shake those hips!). Any activities in or around water. Even showering, taking a bath, or sitting next to a water feature or waterfall and just listening to the flow, because it’s the element of this chakra. Intentionally get in the flow of water. It cleanses, purifies and refreshes; and because like the master Bruce Lee said, “Be water, my friend”.

Emotions are felt at this level, so doing emotional healing work through art therapy or movement therapy is another way to heal the energy of this chakra. Finding conscious ways to express yourself, especially your emotions, as well as consciously processing your emotions, whether it’s journaling, or sitting and feeling them without judgment in meditation; because… you have to “feel it to heal it”.  One of the most powerful ways to heal this center is to just give yourself permission to feel the emotion so that it can move through you. Sitting with anger, frustration, fear, resentment, sadness, etc…, so that it doesn’t become stagnant and stuck. 🌟🧡🌟

Other healing practices include 12 step programs for addiction, and boundary work – whether you need to create some, or… tear down some walls, and let people in. 👊🏼🙏🏼 For a hip opening yoga practice, second chakra guided meditation, and affirmations, try out the second chakra video from this blog.

Second Chakra Affirmations

Remember, affirmations aren’t about lying to yourself. They’re about building awareness around your current “truth”, so that you can create the life that you desire!! 🙌🏼 Affirmations can be any positive statement that has to do with the gifts of the energy center: ~I am… ~I feel… ~I have… ~I experience… ~I allow… ~I give myself permission to… “fill in the blank”
Repeat them until they FEEL true, and meditate/journal/talk with a trusted friend about the ones that don’t…

  • I allow myself to feel and express my emotions. 🧡
  • I accept and feel all of my emotions. 🧡
  • I accept myself no matter what I’m feeling. 🧡
  • I move forward with ease and grace. 🧡
  • My path is exciting and filled with joy. 🧡
  • I trust the direction I’m moving in. 🧡
  • It’s okay to enjoy my life. 🧡
  • I enjoy my life!!! 🧡

Is your life fulfilling? Do you love what you’re doing? Ask yourself what else can you do to consciously bring joy into your life on a daily basis. Comment your favorite way below 🌟🧡👇🏼🧡🌟

Join my youtube channel for second chakra balancing yoga, meditation and affirmations:

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