The Third Chakra

Third Chakra
Once we learn that it’s safe to feel what we feel, we use that feeling state to choose what feels best to us on an individual level, stepping into and trusting our gut intuition.
Third Chakra Basics

Third chakra, or manipura, translates as lustrous gem 🌟💎🌟. It’s the gut intuition, that when heeded, leads us down the right path, our own path. It’s the internal treasure of instinct, and inner knowing that can’t come from outside of you. No one can give it to you, and no one can take it away, unless you let them.

As we rise up the rainbow spectrum from red to orange to yellow, if given the opportunity, we learn to hold on (first chakra), and that we have the freedom to let go (second). At the third, we learn that we have a choice. Choice is the power we have to create transformation, the purpose of this chakra. Choosing to transform your life doesn’t mean that you aren’t good enough or not enough to begin with, it means you are willing to use your power and not be a victim of circumstance.

Change is the only constant. If you are going to change anyway, don’t you want to choose that change intentionally? Transformation happens with everything in nature. We see it in every cycle and season. Even in the simple act of baking a cake, we see and experience how heat transforms the batter. How are you using your power to transform who you are, becoming more of yourself and stepping into your full potential?

The developmental stage for this energy center is not surprisingly, the phase of the terrible two’s, (as well as the stage of potty-training) where children learn to hold on, or let go, and learn their ego identity and start to assert their power. “Me, my, mine, I, no.” If parents and caregivers can understand that this is the age that our power develops, it can assist in not fighting the constant stream of “no’s”, and shift perception to: “What choices can I give this child to teach them to use their power with love?”

The element of the solar plexus is fire. Fire can create, and fire can destroy. How do you use the fire within you? Do you shut it down, not trusting yourself to make choices? (Deficiency). Or do you force everyone in your power to bend to your will? (Excess). At the balance of this energy center, we come to the space of our confidence and self esteem, where we trust our gut (or don’t), and have the discipline to make things happen (or not). It’s okay for us to shine, and in doing so, have others shine with us.

Stepping into your power

Feeling a lack of motivation or like nothing you do matters? Third chakra healing practices include anything that makes you feel strong, powerful, like your choices matter, and that you’re… well… a bad ass, but not an egotistical one.

Do anything that stokes the fire within you: core work, weight lifting, Pilates, boxing, martial arts, risk taking for deficiency, chilling out and practicing relaxation techniques if you’re obsessive about control. And if you’re obsessive about working out… try replacing a workout with meditation. I know! You hate that idea… I was you, but give it a try.

Also, anything that helps you feel like you have control over your day and your life! Make your bed, take a shower, brush your teeth, create a schedule and stick to it, read a book about something you’ve always wanted to learn but just haven’t “had the time” for. Listen to a self-healing podcast, or practice that musical instrument that’s been gathering dust! These days it doesn’t take much to bring some control back into our lives, especially when there’s so much that is out of our control. Focus on what’s in front of you, and when the worry about things outside your realm of control surface, acknowledge it, take a breath, and choose to bring your mind back to the task at hand.

To stoke the inner fire, try the chakra yoga, guided meditation, and affirmations video linked in this blog.

Third Chakra Affirmations

Remember, when saying affirmations, state them in a way that resonates with you, and state them out loud with confidence!

  • I am strong. 🔥
  • I am powerful. 🔥
  • I feel like I have control over my life. 🔥
  • I am willing to practice self discipline. 🔥
  • I recognize my self worth. 🔥
  • I am worth making choices that feel good to me. 🔥 (because you are!)
  • I am willing to let go of trying to control everything and trust that what I can do combined with my faith can move mountains… or create the path I need to climb the mountain in front of me. 🔥
  • I give myself permission to live my life one choice at a time. 🔥
  • I listen to and trust my gut intuition. 🔥

Comment below your favorite way to feel confident and share one thing you do to motivate yourself.

Join my YouTube channel for a 3rd chakra yoga practice, meditation, and affirmations.

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