The Fifth Chakra

The truth will set you free. Of guilt, shame, sadness, and fear, the demons of the first four chakras. It will also open you up to stepping into using the gift of your third eye more clearly, when you’re ready.
Fifth chakra basics

The fifth chakra, or Vishuddha, translates as purification. If our heart is clear, we rise up the energy body to our creativity and expression with truth and clarity.  This chakra relates to your neck, throat, vocal cords, voice box, ears, thyroid, parathyroid, and your voice. If you have a hard time speaking up for yourself, feel like your voice doesn’t matter, or that “no one is listening anyway,” your energy center is deficient. If you constantly talk over other people and no one can get a word in edgewise, or you are typically the “loudest and proudest in the room” (ahem, word vomit,) your energy center is excessive.

Balanced fifth chakra energy is both open to speaking and hearing truth from self and others. Silence? Yes please. Conversations where all parties are heard? Encouraged and cultivated. Are you the one that hears what isn’t even being said? Your energy at this center is balanced. The spiritual gift of this center is clair-audience. The ability to hear what is inaudible. This can come through hearing what you need from a passing conversation you aren’t even involved in, song lyrics, a podcast, or even hearing sounds that no one else perceives in 3D-reality, like hearing ocean waves as you drive down the road, reminding you to relax and go with the flow.

The demon of this chakra is lies.  Lies travel energetically like arrows.  Sometimes neck pain can indicate that you are being lied to. Oftentimes it’s that we are lying to ourselves with thoughts or statements, internal or external, such as “I’m not good enough.” Or “I can’t do that.”  Self-doubt is a lie, and unless we recognize it as such, we let it take over and start to see it as our “truth”. This clouds our perception, so that when we rise to the space of the 3rd eye, we don’t see clearly.

5th chakra healing practices

Feel like there’s no one to listen to you or that you can’t get a word in edgewise amidst the chaos? Fifth chakra healing practices invite us to reconnect to the expression of our true voice, to trust ourselves to clearly express our truth, and to trust that we are being heard in the way that we intend.

Struggling with this one? Try journal writing to get the free flow of your expression going, or even voice record what you want to say to someone and then delete it. Consciously speak up for yourself when you typically wouldn’t. This can be scary, so stoke your inner fire with a little pep talk and some confidence first. You got this!

Any form of creative expression balances this energy center when done intentionally. Write poetry, stories, stream of thought journaling, or an intentional write and burn. Paint, sing, hum, chant, play a musical instrument, dance, feel the rhythm of moving in your body. Use sound healing tools such as crystal bowls, tuning forks, gongs, chimes and drums. Whatever you do, don’t judge it, do it to enjoy the process!

Sound is the element, so using your voice reconnects you to your own vibration. Laughing, crying, whispering, holding conversations with the intention to hear and be heard, to understand, and to not judge (yourself or others) balance this energy by releasing what’s been held onto, and invite the energy to flow unimpeded. Give yourself permission to express yourself freely without holding back. Practice hearing the strength and power of your own words.

5th chakra affirmations:

Try saying them out loud and tune into how they feel. Even better, give a hand at saying them in the way that feels most authentic to you, record them and listen to your own voice!

~I speak my truth with confidence and clarity.
~I speak from my heart.
~I trust my words and my voice.
~I deserve to be listened to.
~I hear the truth in what others say… or don’t say.
~I allow others to speak up for themselves.
~I listen without judgement.
~I express myself creatively.
~It’s easy to speak up & be heard.

Join my YouTube channel for a 5th chakra yoga practice, meditation, and affirmations.

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