The Seventh Chakra

The chakra system forms base to crown. At a healing level, we  start at the foundation and rise up to the pinnacle. Once we reach the crown, it’s time to descend again to the roots. This is how we bring inspiration to the level of reality.
7th Chakra Basics

The crown chakra, Sahasrara, translates as “thousandfold.” It represents the increase in knowledge, understanding, inspiration, thought, and bright ideas, that come through the power of our spirit. These inspired thoughts help us understand the entire realm of our experience here. When we open up to the wisdom of our own internal guidance system from this energy center (without judgment), we gain understanding of what we truly need within the realm of all of the other energy centers. We become more aware of what we need for healing, growth, expansion, and abundance, because we are paying attention and increasing our conscious awareness. We’re open to noticing the divine orchestration of life that is constantly taking place, and we become aware of the synchronicities that guide us to the answers we are truly seeking.
To understand the energy of manifestation through the chakra system, think of all the inventions that have ever been created. Pay attention to the things you use daily without typically giving any thought to it. They all followed the energetic pathway of the chakra system from crown to root, because someone paid attention to the thought that came to their mind (7th). They envisioned it (6th). They spoke about it or created their vision on paper or some other way. (5th). They loved it, or humanity, or their passion enough (4th) to use their power to do something about it (3rd), to move it forward and find it’s path (2nd) into full fruition of manifestation and creation at a physical level so we can benefit from it in 3D reality (1st).

And that’s how the chakra system works in reverse. This is why the elements go from completely tangible, earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, to the subtle body of thought. We can’t literally “hold that thought” like we can a handful of dirt, but we say it all the time. Pay attention to the little thoughts that meet your attention. When we take intentional time to get quiet each day ie: meditation, mindfulness, walking in nature, breathwork, we are much more receptive to the fleeting thoughts of inspiration that come from our higher-self, our angels, our spirit guides, and our higher power. Whatever your spiritual belief system, this is the crowning achievement of the chakra system. Divine creation through receptivity of thought, and understanding of what is needed for the highest good of all, starting with yourself.

7th Chakra Healing practices

Struggling to “trust the process” or understand why things are going the way they are for you? The answers you seek are already within you, so tune in. Tune in to spiritual guidance. Take time each day to practice being quiet so that when the aha moment comes, you recognize it as such. 7th chakra healing practices include meditation, prayer, study of sacred (to you) texts including scripture, poetry, self-help books that help you understand yourself and humanity better, fasting (nothing makes you humble more quickly, getting you out of the needs of the body and focusing on the spirit), taking time for silence, and practicing living life with a sense of faith and gratitude.

Most healing practices for the crown chakra seem religious in nature. That’s because religion’s purpose is to support your spirituality, your connection with your higher power. But it’s all intentional. You can be extremely religious with no spiritual connection to your practices, and extremely spiritual with no religion at your foundation. The key is tuning in to what speaks to your soul, being honest and truthful with yourself and your Creator. One seventh chakra gift is seeing the divine orchestration that continues to guide your life in the direction you desire. Daily, weekly, monthly synchronicities that you might notice in the moment, or might notice as you look back with hindsight. Not happening? Take time to tune into what you really desire, and any subconscious beliefs, doubts, or emotions blocking you from receiving it. Sometimes you aren’t getting a “no” answer when you think you are, but a “first, let me teach you this…”

7th chakra affirmations:

~ I am open to receiving divine guidance.
~ I am grateful for every experience in life and what it has to teach me for my highest good and growth.
~ I trust my higher self to guide my life.
~ I recognize and thank my angels and spirit guides for their help, protection, and guidance.
~ I understand.
~ I am willing to see the big picture and understand my role in it.
~ We are all connected.

Join my YouTube channel for a 7th chakra meditation, yoga practice, and affirmations.


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