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This story is not a pity party, a whoa-is-me story, or a me-and-my-poor-life story. It’s a reflection on the weaving together of all the things I have learned, and how the puzzle pieces of my life started to fit together and make sense as I searched for the pieces I didn’t even know were missing, in order to put them in their rightful place. Those missing pieces were not lost. They were deeply hidden, right inside of me. They say, “All of the answers you need are inside of you.” They were right.

It’s a story of great healing, both physical and emotional. Of meditation and inspiration. Of prayers long asked for and answered, in unexpected, and often undesired, ways. A hindsight-is-20/20 story. It is a lesson in seeing how everything works together for our highest good. If we allow it to. If we allow ourselves to see that all of it has meaning.

The majority of this story took decades for me to understand. By the time I finish writing it, I will have learned more, brought more to the surface. And by the time you read it, the puzzle will have grown. I’m not sure the puzzle will ever be finished—even after I take my last breath. For we are all connected. My story will live on as you figure out how your puzzle fits together and get curious about finding your hidden pieces.

This story starts as a childhood dream. A dream fulfilled—but not in the way I ever could have imagined.

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