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Amazon Reviews

Inspiring story of never giving up on your journey!

Ali writes in a conversational manner that leads the reader along her journey to relieve her pain, let down her protective walls, accept other people and most importantly, accept herself. She is a great example of opening up to different options to seek needed help.
~ Lisa J Astling

A powerful, short story

I love how Ali brings to light that Generational Trauma is real. Through her own personal story, she opens up about her own trauma and how she has been able to address and heal. I am grateful that Ali chose to be vulnerable and brave. Because of her decision to share her story, it has made me want to gain a better understanding of why my own body manifests things the way it does.

A beautiful story of healing and self-discovery.

Journey to Love, Return to Light is a beautiful story of healing, reflection and growth. Ali tells her story as if she is there in person having a conversation with you. It is very engaging, and I could not put it down! I have a renewed desire to reflect on myself. To think about what experiences have shaped me into the person that I am, what to work on, and what to fully embrace.
~ Krista Hansen

Amazing life lessons taught by Ali.

I read this book in a day. It’s so good! Ali has had so many beautiful experiences that have taught her amazing lessons. She has shared these valuable lessons in her book so that we can all benefit from some of her life challenges. Buy, read it, give it as a gift. You won’t regret it.
~ Erika Swain

A Beautiful, Inspirational must read

Journey to Love, Return to Light is a Beautiful Memoir. It helped me better understanding my own Generational & Childhood Trauma. Ali’s story really resonated with me; I applaud her for her vulnerability and strength. Ali, you are a radiant light, thank you for sharing your journey and helping me conquer mine.
~S. Preston

Inspiring, self-help story.

I can’t find words to express what an inspiration this book was. Not only did it make me reflect on my life, but it made me want to do the work to find healing and self-love. Thank you for your vulnerability.
~ B.D.

Uplifting & inspiring

Enjoyed reading her journey. A feel-good book of self-love & discovery.
~ Chad Willie



Aaron Hansen
Ali is a powerful, intuitive healer who is incredibly tuned into the field of light and love. Ali has been able to provide insights into my past that have proven to benefit my future.

Amanda Boyden
Ali showed me that I have power and control over my mental and physical health. She is the perfect guide to my pathway to healing and joy.

Cathy Boyden
Ali has a gift for healing and a gift for teaching others how to heal. She is giving us knowledge, perspective and tools that are bringing our family so much hope.
~Cathy Boyden

Elsa Dubil
Ali’s story helped me radically shift my understanding of my feelings, and I learned to feel emotions in myself and in others without judgment. It has allowed for all new kinds of understanding and peace. Digging deeper into the roots of our feelings and re-examining them to build a stronger foundation is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves.

Jillian Heiskell
My experience with Ali as my teacher was positive and empowering. Her ability to teach in a way where her students understand is something that I greatly admire, and she has taught me things that I will never forget. I knew nothing about chakras, emotional healing, and foot zoning, but after being in Ali’s class I not only understand those things, but I can grow in a spiritual way and heal myself in deeper areas that I could not comprehend before. Hearing her story helped me to understand those areas of healing even more thoroughly, and I know she will continue to help others in the future.

Jaimey Tripp
Ali Mills is the epitome of light and love; I believe this is why she is such a successful healer. From personal experience, I know she has sensed my pain and confusion from my trauma. Ali has not only helped me become aware of its existence, but has taught me that it’s ok to let the trauma and pain go, to allow myself to heal, and in the process be patient and loving to myself.

Karen Stack
I came to Ali with a broken soul feeling heavy, dark, and stuck. Ali helped me feel light and find my power and inner peace to be able to have the courage to move forward and become a more whole person.

Zeinab Salih
I took yoga in High school just to fulfill another class credit. Taking yoga with Ms.Mills was a life-changing experience for me. She helped me see why I was reacting to my past traumas and how to heal from them and move past them. Ms.Mills has been a huge supporter of my healing process. She is an amazing person and healer. It is because of her I was able to start my journey of healing. She has been such a huge role model and inspiration to me, I continue to learn from her wisdom.